
(1 customer review)

Christian Gold (Scientific – Syzygium Campanulatum) belongs to family Myrtaceae or the sea apple family. It originates from South East Asia and is popularly used as an urban landscaping plant due to its hardiness and adaptability. .


Christian Gold (Scientific – Syzygium Campanulatum) belongs to family Myrtaceae or the sea apple family. It originates from South East Asia and is popularly used as an urban landscaping plant due to its hardiness and adaptability. Also known as the wild cinnamon, the species can easily be planted as trees, hedges or shaped into topiaries. Christina Gold produces attractive reddish or pink leaf shoots all year round and flushes exceptionally after pruning.

  1. Monica Brandson

    Et minim consequat qui reprehenderit in. Voluptate consectetur excepteur ut laborum ea ex elit ea lorem excepteur occaecat et cupidatat. Labore duis elit nulla nulla voluptate incididunt mol mollit ut fugiat in incididunt excepteur commodo ad culpa labore labore.

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